Minggu, 11 September 2011

Obama: U.S. Kian Strong, Al Qaeda is precisely Weakens

Amid warnings a decade of 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States, or the tragedy of 9 / 11, several world leaders spoke up. President Barack Obama said the U.S. position stronger, while the perpetrators of the terrorist organization 9 / 11, al-Qaeda, was assessed weakened."Thanks to the military, intelligence, law enforcement, and officers in the country who have tried tirelessly. Needless to say, today, the U.S. has been getting stronger, and al-Qaeda actually closer to defeat," Obama said in a speech at pekanannya radio and the internet, last Saturday, as quoted by news station Al Jazeera.Obama said that the death of Osama bin Laden and the rise of the revolution in the Middle East shows the weak influence of al-Qaida in Islamic circles. The same is said to be Foreign Secretary, William Hague."Al-Qaeda is now in a state of the weakest in a decade. And the political developments in the Middle East and Africa showed that in the future, the movement is increasingly irrelevant," said Hague.Assessment that was echoed by the author of the books of al-Qaeda, Peter Bergen. As reported by the Hindustan Times website, now support for al-Qaeda in several key countries such as Egypt, Jordan, Indonesia, and others, the slump."Al-Qaeda leaders absent in the events of the revolution in Arabia. When Zawahiri (Ayman al-Zawahiri - al Qaeda leaders) issued a statement about it, people ignore it," said Bergen.In Saudi Arabia, Bin Laden's support also dropped dramatically since the attacks that occurred in 2003. While in Europe, according to official information from M15, the young Englishman who went to Afghanistan to join the Taliban were also reduced each year.Anwar al Awlaki, spiritual leader of al-Qaeda in the Arabian peninsula was mentioned as a potential replacement for Osama Bin Laden. He is a recruiter and motivator of Al Qaeda and the regular use of social media like Facebook and YouTube to spread the message of jihad.Awlaki linked with a variety of experimental plot attacks against the United States, either use traditional airplane, or car bombs. He even linked with events of a mass shooting of 13 soldiers at Fort Hood Texas, conducted by a U.S. Muslim soldier November 2009.This man is a U.S. citizen, who was in the list of killed CIA. Awlaki believed to be sheltering in the area or Mareb Shabwa, Yemen, which is a safe area for the mujahideen.

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