Minggu, 11 September 2011

Obama: I'll Never Fight American Islam

People of the United States (U.S.) are required to uphold diversity and tolerance.Values ​​that upheld the U.S. long ago it should not be collapsed by suspicion and mistrust.
The request was made President of the United States, Barack Obama. Along with all Americans, Obama commemorate the tragedy of terrorist attacks nine years in New York and Washington DC, known as "9 / 11," Saturday, September 11, 2010 local time.
Obama's speech in the office of the Department of Defense (Pentagon) in Washington DC, where nine years ago, a hijacked airplane al-Qaeda terrorists struck the western part of the building and killing 184 people. He shouted a warning to 9 / 11 do not develop a sense of resentment or suspicion among religious believers.
"We as Americans are not and will never fight against Islam," Obama said. "[Islam] that is not who attacked us in September in that day, but al-Qaeda, a bunch of sad men who tarnish the religion," continued Obama.
Unlike previous years, so Obama's remarks in the middle of the pros and cons of the construction of the Islamic Center near Ground Zero and the intentions of a stream of evangelical religious leaders, Terry Jones, to burn the Koran in commemoration of 9 / 11. On the same day, Jones confirmed that he had canceled a plan to destroy the Muslim holy book.
Obama, in his speech, did not mention the issue of construction of the Islamic Center and Jones. But he throws up a message that implied that the two issues.
"We fight for the rights of every American, including the right to worship according to his belief, as do all military service members and civilians from a lot of confidence in this place, exactly where the terrorists struck the building," Obama said. The Pentagon does provide facilities which can be used by people of various faiths to worship.
When Obama's speech at the Pentagon, his wife, Michelle, appeared with Laura Bush in the town of Shanksville, the state of Pennsylvania. Near the town was the location of the fall of an aircraft that al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked on 9 / 11. The aircraft was, predictably, will be directed to a government facility in Washington DC, but not accomplished due to the resistance of the passengers.
In New York, Vice President and his wife attended the memorial at Ground Zero. The location was once a complex of twin towers World Trade Center (WTC), the whichDestroyed two of the hijacked planes hit al-Qaeda.
They are all a moment of silence at 8:46 am local time - the time when the first plane hit the WTC buildings. (Associated Press

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